Over 50 married couples recently participated in the World Café, a counseling seminar organized by Tagum Cooperative. This event aimed to address various challenges faced by married TC members, enhancing the overall quality of their relationships. The World Café provided a platform for couples to receive support, guidance, and valuable tools, fostering a healthier and more fulfilling partnership. Importantly, the benefits of such activities extend beyond addressing issues, promoting ongoing growth, understanding, and emotional support for couples committed to maintaining a successful relationship.

The World Café sessions were conducted in 4 batches, with 3 batches in-person settings and 1 virtual session held on September 21, October 19, 26, and November 23, 2023.

Led by the GAD/GE Committee, in collaboration with the GAD Trainers Group, the activity was organized and facilitated. The insightful discussions covered various aspects of family life, including Family Relationship, Health, Spirituality, and Financial Condition.

The primary focus of the sessions was to delve into real-life scenarios across different spheres of life, emphasizing the spiritual, economic, and social aspects of family life. Discussions also touched upon awareness of gender issues, recognizing the values and roles of men and women, their contributions, rights, and benefits. Practical tips on savings, financial management, and family budgeting were shared, along with best practices for nurturing a happy, healthy, and enduring married life. 

Beyond the enriching discussions, participants had the opportunity to share their learning insights and enjoy various activities, including prizes for the best sharers, special awards for lovely couples, recognition for the longest-married couple, longest kiss, and a special award for couples celebrating their wedding anniversary during the scheduled month.Tagum Cooperative remains committed to providing continuous learning interventions, reinforcing the strength and unity of every family. By actively addressing gender roles, the cooperative ensures the success of its Gender and Development advocacy, contributing to the overall well-being of its members. Leslie S. Canuto